Hey everyone we have been working on a humorous monologue and this is what I have learned. I have learned that B-roll is the clips that you have took and also that in imovie when you have put down your audio you put your B-roll on top. Another thing I have learned is that when you are doing a project like this you need to stay organized. I also learned that when you are recording your monologue you need to have remembered it. I also learned how to use the camera correctly and how to format and import properly.
What's padding? Padding is the time before and after you start talking when taking your A-roll. Why is padding important it's important because without padding you do not have room to edit. How much time should your padding be 2-4 seconds in the begging and end. This will help you make an AMAZING video. Have a great day and make sure you use this information.
Has you know we have been working on a comedic monologue. I have made a few mistakes but I learned from each one. Like how I made some of my images pitch black. Another one is that I kept on messing up my monologue. On the other hand I put my images right were they needed to be. I also fixed my lighting problem. I learned many things like how to stay organized and how to add transitions and other effects in imovie properly i'm happy that i got my video done in time and i think I learned a lot of things from this one project. I think I ended up with a great video.

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