P3T3 Spaceman Locates Brightness from
Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on

Hello again my new project is an animation that tells a story and lesson my teammates include Alex a quirky and crazy guy, then theirs Ashely she's a friendly and clumsy girl and then theirs me a shy girl who is actually very friendly and nice when you get to know her. In our animation a boy (Alex) is on a dark lonely planet he does not like it there and the all of a sudden he sees a bright happy planet where he sees Ashely and I playing around and having fun even tho Ashely is so clumsy she almost falls of the planet when were playing. He really wants to fly to the other planet so he makes wings ( that's what I meant when I said crazy) then he makes it to the other planet and finds out that we don't like him and then he tells us that he just wants to be friends and that's when the friendly side of me comes out.
Me and my teams life lesson is
to never judge a book by it's cover. In our animation we show this by having (Alex) see a bright and happy planet while he is on his dark and lonely planet. He decides that he wants to go there so he makes wings. After he is done making his wings he fly's to

the happy planet. Now this is where are life lesson comes in. So Alex is on the bright and happy planet and then sees these girls and they start teasing him about his wings and how he is strange. His feeling are hurt and he walks away and then I ask him what he even wants to do. He says he just wants to hang out with people. Then the girls realize he isn't that strange after all.
So me and my team have never worked together before so we had a little bit of problems. The number one problem for me was the fact that I really did not know them so I was more shy than usually. Trust me when i'm around my friends I am very energetic and happy. So we didn't really have has much communication has we could have. I think that overall we did a good job sometimes one teammate wanted us in during recess and lunch and that was not always possible. Another thing about teams is that you had to have both genders and that you have to have 7th and 6th grade so we had two girls and one boy. We also had two girls Ashely and I. Then we had Alex our boy and Ashely our 7th grader