Hi everyone so has you know my last project is complete. So you know what that means it's time for a new project so are new project can be a movie trailer, animation, or sitcom. Me and my team think that we should do a sitcom so that's what we did. Me and my teams sitcom is about a couple of blondes and a brow haired girl. Well anyway a few words (keywords) that you could be thinking of when you watch my video are crazy, hilarious, accident, interesting, and expectation. These words could relate to you because when you watch are video you will start to crack up (hilarious). Were also just a few crazy blonds (crazy). We do a lot of things with out noticing (accident). You just want to see whats gonna happen next(interesting). You really have a lot of (expectation) on the blonds.

Okay so I told you about are new project but you really don't know really know that much about so here we go. My sitcom is about a blond (Alexis) who gets interviewed by (Katy). Then you go into Alexis thoughts which have a lot of scenes.Then goes back to the interview with Katy and Alexis. The most important part of this sitcom though is the question Katy asks Alexis."So what do you think are blonds dumb" Says Katy. In the end Alexis tells her blonds are NOT dumb they just like to have fun and that there are many smart people that are blond. So are over all message is just be yourself and it doesn't matter what other people think about you just be you.

Me and my team really do hope are video inspires you.Nobody is perfect so obviously we had problems that we faced but were lucky that were problem solvers but the biggest problem we faced was getting the voice over (Foley) to match and line up has best has we could because we didn't want it to look fake. The scene that we needed voice over the most was the spy scene at the park. There was a lot of wind and there was people running which made a lot of noise. We had voice over(A-Roll) that was to long and visuals (B-Roll) that was to short. We ended up not using has much dramatic death has we thought we were but we ended really getting it to work and look pretty realistic. All we had to do was put a little thought into it. There was other parts were we didn't know if we should even do voice over or if it would mess up the whole thing if we did voice over in the park scene and then not do it in the other scene.
P3T7 Blondes Think Big from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo.
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