Hi everyone are you ready for another blog post because i'm ready. In my G.T class we are working on a photomontages. To me my photomontage is different then David Hockney's because my photomontage is meaningful to me. Some of David Hockney's are important and meaningful and some are photos of chairs or rotten apples which might not be as meaningful. Also David Hockney's more experienced than me so he knows how to do photomontages very well. He also did not use a computer on some photomontages but I did. I think that there are many things different and there are some things that are the same.
So you might know that many people don't use the internet wisely while others do. So lets say you take a picture of you huge house or your new clothes and put a caption saying I bet my house is bigger and better than mine or bet you don't have these clothes yet. Which would could make some people feel bad or feel like there life isn't good enough. On the other hand some people take pictures of the beach or of a someone recycling which might make other people want to go to the beach or start recycling which would help the world become a place. Over all it's best to post good pictures that make people feel good and could help the world. Oh and if you look to your right you can see my photomontage of Katy.

My photomontage is something you would see in your every day life...Yep you guessed it a TREE. It's not just a regular tree it's a flower tree. There's many reason why I used a tree and the first reason is because a flower is just like a person for example at first it's just a blossom waiting to become a flower then it might start to look different and then it might start getting older and wrinkled and then it falls of the tree. Another reason is because trees or why we have air around us and if we don't have trees then we can't breath so everyone should take care of the trees. To me a tree represents me because each tree has different purpose for example a fruit tree is was made to give fruit a flower tree was made to look pretty and other trees are made for air or paper. Also each tree looks different some have a lot of leaves so have barley any some have red bark some have colorful bark and ext...and that's what I hope people see in my photomontage.

My photomontage is something you would see in your every day life...Yep you guessed it a TREE. It's not just a regular tree it's a flower tree. There's many reason why I used a tree and the first reason is because a flower is just like a person for example at first it's just a blossom waiting to become a flower then it might start to look different and then it might start getting older and wrinkled and then it falls of the tree. Another reason is because trees or why we have air around us and if we don't have trees then we can't breath so everyone should take care of the trees. To me a tree represents me because each tree has different purpose for example a fruit tree is was made to give fruit a flower tree was made to look pretty and other trees are made for air or paper. Also each tree looks different some have a lot of leaves so have barley any some have red bark some have colorful bark and ext...and that's what I hope people see in my photomontage.