P3T5_A Mermaids Tale from
Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on
Hi everyone, I have some news we have a new G.T project this project is a movie trailer. Me and my team (Coral, Viora, Raja, and I) decided that our movie trailer will be about this little girl who's mom was a mermaid and the little girl never knew one day her mom told her that she had to leave and she would come back and then teach her how to swim when the little girl's powers grew stronger. The little girl grew up without her mom and waited for her mom to come back and teach her how to swim. Then one day she went into the ocean for the first time and she grew a tale (mermaid tale) she ran to her dad and asked what had happened. She then knew where her mom went. To contribute I made up the story
and my group helped to edit the story and gave ideas that were really really good making it amazing.

This project was very fun and I enjoyed making a movie trailer but we did have some challenges. One of these problems was getting a story that was original and not like any other story. We overcame this problem pretty well and now we have a story unlike any others. A big problem was with the movie posters we had some issues getting the tail to stay straight instead of just flopping down. Also with the movie poster it was very hard to edit the photo and get the sky and the sea the perfect color It took a long time but I found the perfect area were the sky was not to bright or to dark and same with sky. We had to make sure you saw the all the main actors that were stared in the movie so it was a little hard to get it to all work together in one piece. After some work we got it to work out but the movie trailer was probably the biggest problem we faced.

In the critique we watched each video twice and ours got best scores for creativity. For audience we had a lot of mixed votes and for requirements we got mostly all expectations met. In this project I learned how to act without laughing and also how hard it is to swim in a mermaid tail. Another thing I learned was how to work with people I have never worked before which was pretty cool.