Hey everyone! Theres a new project called Low Polly Portrait. In this project we deal with 3D computer graphics.
So are facial expressions universal? Facial expressions are universal! From my research if you were to smile in France then it would mean that your happy. If you were to frown in France then it would mean your sad. It's the same everywhere yes people all smile differently and frown differently you can still tell if someone is sad, mad or anything else by what there facial expressions look like because everyone's facial expressions are similar and no matter where you travel it will mean the same thing.

The steps to make a low-polly portrait are.... First you go out with your phone or camera and take a picture of yourself or a friend or family member ( if your taking a picture with your phone of your self then you probably shouldn't take with selfie mode because it ruins quality). After you have your picture your going to need to upload your photo to your computer. Then you will take your photo and upload it into photoshop. Then you can make a copy of your photo and put triangles on the copy. then you can make the triangles. Then you can take all your lines and combine them into one. Then fill in you triangles in with color (Filter-Blur- Average). After that you can and a white background. Then after this you would be done.

My Poly-1 and my Poly-2 have many many differences the first thing is that in my Poly-1 its a photo of me and its was taken with photo booth inside my classroom. My Poly-2 was taken out side with my phone and instead of me its my sister. In my Poly-2 my sister is showing a lot of facial expression in my Poly-1 I don't really show that much facial expression. If you didn't notice from the pictures the Poly-2 has a blue low poly kind of background. In my Poly-1 Its just a white background. If you cannot tell my Poly-2 has a bright pop color because instead of doing blur average we used the eye dropper this made the colors a lot more unique and bright then we added a some effects. Something that I think I did very different is that I got all of the very detailed areas for example the ears, nose, and eyes were done better on my Poly-2 that on my Poly-1 were I don't really even have a nose or ears.